Advertise in our Playbill

Do you have a business that you want to promote? How about advertising in our Playbill? Your support in the Playbill helps the Drama Studio provide theatre outreach programs to over 3,500 Springfield students during each school year through our touring program.

If you advertise, your ad will be seen by over 3,200 theatergoers as follows:

Saved At the Crossroads (November 10th - 12th & 17th - 19th)

Winter Shorts (January 26th - 28th & February 2nd - 4th)

Lost Girl (March 8th & 9th & 15th - 17th)

The Cabaret Festival (May 2nd - 6th)

C.O.W.Fest (June 6th - 11th)

Business Partner Categories

Business Sponsor: $2500 and over


*Underwrites a year’s scholarship at the Drama Studio for a deserving Theatre Readers student

*Full page ad in Playbill

*Invitation to annual Producers Reception prior to a performance

*Listing as Business Sponsor in Playbill, Annual Newsletter.

Business Producer: $1000-2499


*Full page ad in Playbill

*Invitation to annual Producers Reception prior to a performance

*Listing as Business Sponsor in Playbill, Annual Newsletter.

Business Advertiser


*Ad appears in 4 playbills throughout the 2023

*Ad reaches over 3200 theatergoers at 35 performances

*Listing as Business Advertiser in Playbill and Annual Newsletter

Advertising rates

*Full Page ad (5”x8”) $400

*Half Page ad (5”x4”) $250

*Quarter Page ad (5”x2”) $125

Deadline for materials: October 24th, 2023 ; Please email materials to:

If you have any questions, please contact the Drama Studio at